Friday, September 30, 2005

Another special friend.

This is another special friend of Adam. She is 3 years older than Adam and I think they have know each other for 3 years by now. They enjoy playing all sort of games together. From the hi tech computer to just simply running chasing each other. They meet for their playtime with the rest of the kids on Friday while we adults have our life group together. Arr... she is a Barbie fan too.

Friends, God's special gift to us.

Tadika Suria Ceria

This is put up especially for Adam. Just in case I forgot about this bunch of wonderful girls and boys :)

There's a strong tie between all this boys and girls. ( I suppose that's because there had a lot of time playing together). Infact Adam just mentioned them again yesterday. The fact that I can remember most of their name really tell how much Adam talked about them at home. Ai Man, Jian Sheng and Adrian are his best dinasour and lego playmate. Xin Yi, she loves to draw and Adam will bring back either her's or his own potrait home most of the days. And of course Emily (the most popular girl in the class)

This is Emily. Your favorite chit chat friend. She is a Barbie Doll and Power Puff Gils fan. It was surprise that she still remember you and had asked her mom contact us to her Birthday party few months ago.

This was indeed another surprise to us. Teacher Rebecca did a farewell party for Adam and presented him with the special card and a Teddy Bear.

These are some special moment for you boy :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Are You ready for Standard One ??

The Kindergarden days will end soon for Adam. That would mean less play and more homework - Malaysian Chinese School education system. Adam had started his pre school since age 4 and he has been in 3 different school. The first Kindergarden was very systematic and education oriented. We did not intend to start him start early but thought it's a good start since he express his interest to attend school. We changed him to another kindergarden as we are not happy with certain reward system that is creeping in the boy.

We called the second school the 'playschool'. This school believe that every child learns at different pace and see them as individual with different uniqueness. As oppose to the first school, everyone was expected to keep up to the pace of the 'champion' in the class. Wk's mom still think we should let him remained there.
Adam loved this school. Loves the playground, art work, sand playing, painting, lego sets, dinasours play, watching hamster.

This is his curent classmate. The only class and all of them will eventually start Primary 1 in this school. His 'exciment' started of with having to go back to Grandma's house with school bus as WK was not able to fetch him at noon. We 'secretly' watch him from a distance at the school area and trail the bus to make sure he is dropped safely. What is the other excitment? He came back one day (first week) and told me that there's this pretty girl with long hair and wears beautiful dress each day. Of course we had fun investigating who is that pretty girl.

Fisherman Dance

Sports Day 2005

Who should I pass the ball to?

Do I look like 'Dash' ??

My first Medal

We are proud of you lovely boy !!! Yeah Yeah ... yeah yeah yeah (cheer from Eden)

Monday, September 05, 2005

December 8 2005

This is another date that Adam is looking forward apart from his Birthday in Oct. He is enjoying the book with his dad currently and I called it "Adam & Daddy's Special Project". Actually that it simply a way to get him bugging his dad instead of me. The two boys has been having a habit of coming to me for readings. So its good to hear " Dad.... Narnia ah !! "