Friday, March 07, 2008

Our sunshine !!!

I suddenly realised that we all fall sick whenever dear travels abroad. Either it just happen coincidentally or our batteries are depleted as our our solar energy is gone. 

Started with Erin & Eden and Mama was then running on a low battery on the 3rd night having to care for Erin who is so restless at night and wake up at dawn to send boy to school and then to college for my class which starts 8am. 

Mother in law was so kind to take over on 3rd night shift to take care of Erin.  Oh boy......I slept like a dead corpse. Did not even hear Erin's cry (who is just next to me) until 4am when mom says her hands was shivering.            

Talking for hours in my classes makes my throat sore and I am losing my voice. And dear who called back kept asking about his Angel and FAIL to hear my 'SEXY' voice over the phone. How heartless and insensitive man can be at times. 

Erin is much better today. At least the fever is gone and she is more happy to play. What about mama?? Papa will 'know' when he comes back....