The Kindergarden days will end soon for Adam. That would mean less play and more homework - Malaysian Chinese School education system. Adam had started his pre school since age 4 and he has been in 3 different school. The first Kindergarden was very systematic and education oriented. We did not intend to start him start early but thought it's a good start since he express his interest to attend school. We changed him to another kindergarden as we are not happy with certain reward system that is creeping in the boy.
We called the second school the 'playschool'. This school believe that every child learns at different pace and see them as individual with different uniqueness. As oppose to the first school, everyone was expected to keep up to the pace of the 'champion' in the class. Wk's mom still think we should let him remained there.
Adam loved this school. Loves the playground, art work, sand playing, painting, lego sets, dinasours play, watching hamster.

This is his curent classmate. The only class and all of them will eventually start Primary 1 in this school. His 'exciment' started of with having to go back to Grandma's house with school bus as WK was not able to fetch him at noon. We 'secretly' watch him from a distance at the school area and trail the bus to make sure he is dropped safely. What is the other excitment? He came back one day (first week) and told me that there's this pretty girl with long hair and wears beautiful dress each day. Of course we had fun investigating who is that pretty girl.

Fisherman Dance