I never put much thought that I will be following dear to UK this round. Mom will be too busy getting things done for dear's brother's wedding day and the kids will not let me go easily.
But to my surprise.... i was given the green light to go. Yeahhh !!! UK here I come again !!
Right before touching down the crew annouced that the WEATHER is BITTERLY COLD with temprature of -2C and these are the words we kept hearing the whole week there - sleet, snow and bitterly cold wind. No one would get out of the house if they are not well clothed.
Despite of the weather we still make it to Stratford upon Avon, birthplace of William shakespeare, a beautiful small town that is very near to dear's conference venue.

This is the home of William Shakespeare
The Shakespeare Hotel

The house on the right is Harvard House. Home of John Harvard founder of Harvard University.