Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My Precious

Dear has been commenting on my new passion lately. And I had to do justice by posting these nicer shots (taken by me of course)

Music Test

"Good Morning everyone. My name is Adam. Today I would like to sing Grandfather's Clock and play I'm a Little Teapot and Good Morning. Hope you'll enjoy it. Thank you :) "

There was this Music Test last Sunday to wrapped up the course that Adam and I had been going. Of couse, Adam was anxious (but I think he look cool and steady) about having to sing and play his selection in front of his friends and examiners.

There he is...all dressed up. Normally he will not agree to wear long sleeves but I am surprise that he even agree to put on a tie that morning. (Like father like son eh!)

We are proud of him and glad to see him enjoying music.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

New Addition to the Tew.....

The boys call this little cousin brother 'Hin Jai' (Little Hin)who is one month old today. WK's relatives has been asking when is the '3rd one' coming for us ever since he is born. And there has been all sort of funny ideas and conversation on how to get a baby girl.

Adam did mentioned that he wants a Mei Mei (little sister). What about Eden?? THis is the conversation that we had.

Mom : Xhuen, do you want a mei-mei ??
Eden : No. I want Meat Meat.
Mom : ......... ???

(Maybe I should not ask him nearing meal time)

Guess Who I am ??

The boys transform themselves into different chracters and its hard to keep track of them sometimes :)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Revised Quote

See No Evil

Hear No Evil

Do No Evil


The little Explorers !!

This place has never change. I(I think many others too)took a photo at this same spot more than ten years ago)

This is Eden's first visit to the zoo and also his first time seeing some real animal face to face. Till today he still talks about those animal there. I suppose he never imagine the girraffe to be so tall, hippo to be so fat and camel to be so smelly :)


Remember I blog about the whole 'kampung' came out to witness the capture of the giant monitor lizard?

Well, almost the same people gathered again this round for papaya plucking. There was a great deal of discussion on how to get those juicy fruits down without dropping it on the ground. One tried to climb up but fail. The other drove his lorry next the the tree and try to reached. And at last THE HERO came with a a fishing net and tie it to a long rod and accomplished the mission.

What's next?? Papaya Feast of course :) Adam represented the Tew on that day.