Friday, July 08, 2005

Day Out at Petrosains.

Finally brought him to the Petrosains at KLCC after being reminded a few times that I have not fulfilled my promise ( Folks, don't simply promise your child, if you can't fulfill it, they remembered what you have said with their heart, soul and mind. )

Yes, a mother and son day out and we had a great time exploring the centre. This is a trip which I have promised Adam that I will bring him to, after we are back from the Europe trip. This is his second trip there. his first one was with his kindewrgarden and and it was a rush one.

His most interesting experience was to sit and sleep on the bed full of nails. As usual, he was very sceptical and refuse to try. But after seeing his mom is still alive sleeping on top of those nail, he tried and finally understand the trick.

One thing we did not get to do is sit on a F1 race car and play the stimulator. Guys.... you need to be reaaaallly.. tall to try it. The height requirement, will be an average of a Mat Salleh I think, as it is definately not an average asian height. Adam is into the F1 race now, with his favourite driver Alonso..

Boys ... we shall return when you both grow much taller :)

My Little Helper

He must have picked this habit from me.... :) Good, another little helper that I can count on. Ed and I was just talking about assigning some simple house chores for Adam. ( No worries... we are against child labor.)

There's been more happening at home lately. Since they have more time together at home playing together, that eventually means more figths too. I totally understand Adam's frustration having to play with a little 'snatchy' brother. Somehow little brother would just find whatever the big brother have got in hand to be a 'more' interesting stuff to play with.

I am amazed how much Adam had torelate with the situation. Of course, sometimes with tears and some shouting. But behind those tears and shouts, he will still give. And the happy ending is that Eden will give 'return' the goodie when seeing the big ko-ko in tears....

Lord ..... teach us to give and receive with a cheeful heart.