Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The October Birthday boys !!!

Arr.... look at those smile.... mommy has surely done a good job making them happy :)

The birthday present hint was airing at home since September although their birthday is in October. the big boy had only apple in his list and the little boy cannot make up his mind from Hot Wheels, Batman, Train Set, Games CD and etc.

I could not believe that I found the 'apple' while shopping in Megamall. The price looks good and most of all it fit in the description. Ever since then, I have been telling dear that I have got him 'the' apple and he will be well pleased with it. This is the latest 'crystal clear apple design'. Don't you think I am smart :)

As for Adam he was exited for a number of things .... party at school, shopping trip for his present, anticipates presents from friends and of course having a Happy Meals at Mc Donald. He was especially excited of a present with Spiderman wrapper that was given a few days before the big day. The trick is that he can only open it on his birthday. Boy ... oh boy the suspen is just killing .... and he just can't wait to turn 6.

Happy Birthday Boys !!!

Prawn Mee!! Prawn Mee!!

The boys and I got in the train with 2 big bag and a plastic bag full of food for our 9 hours journey to Penang. Eden was especially excited when I told him that he is going to be in the train for this trip.

We finally reached the island (with sleepy eyes) at 6am. The Hotel staff was kind enough to let us check in early that day and we knew we have the catch up our beauty sleep before our food venture

The temptation is just irresistable that we ordered Prawn Mee ( apart from Char Koay, Ice Kacang, Rojak and a lot more etc ) for lunch and dinner for both of the days.... and rated the one in New Lane to be the best. We must have been so busy eating that we forgot to take any photo.

The boys ... from the pool to the tub !!