Sunday, October 08, 2006

Dear's Birthday Wish

This is dear's dream Birthday Gift expected from me. Don't you think he has got high taste ( the price is a killer too)

I have to confess that I have not brought dear any Birthday presents for the past 3 years I think. I reason is I have run out of idea what to get and it seems to me that he has got everything that he needs :)

So this year is no exception, the hints to his birthday wish gets strongers as his Big day approches and I suppose I was 'framed' into this Apple conversation with him and another Apple fan just today. Lots of jargon which I did not understand there but I got the Punch line - 'GOOOOOOD STUFF, MUST GET'

Well, tomorrow is the BIG day. Have to think of an amazing surprise to make it up :)

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