Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Bukit Tinggi

We had a short break at Bukit Tinggi just enjoying 'doing nothing' and away from the busy buzzling shopping malls and from my to do list at home.

Daddy did the packing this round and I can't believe that he did not even bring any jacket for the boys. Should have only let him pack for himself. I told him that I will be proud if he learn how to pack his own luggage and IRON CLOTHES as part of his new year resolution :)

The boys had a five minutes dip in the pool. I think they will turn to ice scupture if we don't take them out. The cool water and wind is killing. So they both ended in the hot bath tub :)

Adam found his new love, a Rabbit !! After some encouragement he finally touch the soft fur and immediately fell in love. I wonder when he will stop asking me for a pet rabbit ...

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