Friday, November 24, 2006

Papa on Survivor Camp

Wonder how dear is going to survive through the next few days in this forest as he's a typical city boy. Of course he pack along his favourites -chocolate, books and the must have Ipod. Naturally, I gave him a disapproved look when I saw him packing a 3 inch mini torchligh. Gee... what is he thinking! How far can he see with such mini torch. The pictures looks lovely but it may be a different feel altogether when you are there :)

I also start to wonder whether its virus attack or we are just missing papa. Not in good shape when he was in London and same now :(

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Staying in

After a week of much struggle, talk, rationale, against all cries, walking in and out the rooms. Eden finally got the message that Mommy will not change her mind.

I am glad to see happy faces for bedtime now :) I hope they will not marked it a Forbidden Zone for me soon.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Moving Out

Looks like mama is growing bigger and needs more space on bed. We have been thinking of a bunk bed for the boys but finally decided on this bed with a trundler which arrived today. Eden is excited to see McQueen and Tow Mater -a positive sign for a start :)

So... it will be a Big day tonight, getting the boys to sleep together.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The story continues...

Adam and I finally reached the 5th Book, Voyage of the Dawn Treader. He has been pestering me to continue but mama has been too tired lately for story before bedtime. Last week we finally pick up the book again and are keeping our finger crossed for another great story just as we had enjoyed the previous books.

Monday, November 06, 2006

12 weeks

What PREGNANT?? Its quite impossible !!! Are you sure that this pregnancy kit is accurate ?? Sometimes it doesn't work properly right?? This was some of our reaction when dr. told us the test was positive.

Its 99% accurate, the dr. replied. Hearing this, we both hold on the the 1% hope and got in the car and had some silent moment to comprehend the situation.

We have always been telling friends and relatives that we have "tutup kedai" (closed factory) but dear and I (and sometimes with some close friends) sometimes joke about having another girl. I think God must have heard us wrongly and take it for real and granted our wishes.

Two weeks later we went for a scan and dr. added two zero to our 1% hope making it a complete 100%.

A Surprise gift indeed but we want to accept it with joy and a thankful heart.

I do hope God think i am out-numbered by the boys and send me a extra member this round :)

Yes! I am already one third of the way.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Go away!! Bad Virus

Eden was down with high fever, nausea and severe headache just last week when dear was away. Frankly I am quite helpless as the poor boy still complains of headache even after medication. I am definitely amazed how God had help me pull through the days.

Adam fall sick shortly with the same symptom and also woke up in the morning crying for having severe headache.

Now I understand the pain that the boys gone through hearing dear describing it. It was so bad that I have to drive him to clinic 4+am this morning. We did a daring thing to leave the boys alone at home. I did woke Adam up and told him briefly (I wonder how much he heard as he just nod and went back to sleep) that we will be back very soon and ask him to take care of Eden if he wakes up. My motherly instinct was right, that little boy did wake up, walk to our room and then when back to wake Adam up. (Thank God I on most of the light before we leave). I drove our old car and when we want to get home ...aha the engine won't start ) My heart was beating fast wondering how to get back to the boys ASAP.

When we make it home, and going upstairs I heard the boys talking on our bed. Again I am just amazed.

Tonight, its just dear and me at home. The boys are with Grandma & pa.

Lord... thank you for your grace and let your healing hand be upon your childrens.

Oh yes ... and thank God for rainbow bag too. It did help a lot to relieve dear's muscle pain.