What PREGNANT?? Its quite impossible !!! Are you sure that this pregnancy kit is accurate ?? Sometimes it doesn't work properly right?? This was some of our reaction when dr. told us the test was positive.
Its 99% accurate, the dr. replied. Hearing this, we both hold on the the 1% hope and got in the car and had some silent moment to comprehend the situation.
We have always been telling friends and relatives that we have "tutup kedai" (closed factory) but dear and I (and sometimes with some close friends) sometimes joke about having another girl. I think God must have heard us wrongly and take it for real and granted our wishes.
Two weeks later we went for a scan and dr. added two zero to our 1% hope making it a complete 100%.
A Surprise gift indeed but we want to accept it with joy and a thankful heart.
I do hope God think i am out-numbered by the boys and send me a extra member this round :)
Yes! I am already one third of the way.
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