The boys and I spend a week at Grandma's house when dear was away. I thought it will be more convenient (and of course relieve lots of stress) for me to just leave Eden behind when I work and Adam's grandpa will help to fetch Adam to school close by in the morning.
So we packed lots of stuff from neccesity to favourites that I could hardly squeese the boys in the car :) The boys were having lots of fun the first few days but boths were missing home and papa towards the end of the week.
Mama had a unplesant surprise too. On Tuesday morning some blood was spotted which its not a good sign for 21 weeks. Was at hospital the whole mornning and dragged to cancelled all classes for the day ( I promised to do a Q&A session to prepare them for exam) While waiting for doctor, negative thought come one after another and I SMS some LG angel to pray together with me. Having the peace and assurance of God that I am in His good hand was all I needed.
I was asked to monitor the symptom with more rest. Still have little bit on and off for the week and i pray that it will gone completely very soon.
Mother in law says I have been moving around too much. On top of that I know very well that I have to put a hold on my 'to do list' to clean and tidy the house.
Thank you for praying for me ... angels :)
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