Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Chinese New Year

I got myself a bright red for New Year this round. Pretty unusual as I normally will not choose red for clothes. New Year day's activity have not changed. We had the usual reunion dinner at parent's place but the unusual thing is that I am one of chef this year. And as usual we still get 'Ang Pau' from WK's dad which is unusual for those married. (That makes me feel young :)

We had our usual family photo on the first day of CNY but the unusual thing is there's 5 of us this round. Little baby has been kicking so vigorously since Eve that I start wondering if there's such thing as too much movement.

Here's a picture for Sigrun who wanted to see how pregnant I am. Seriously, I don't think I look pregnant in those pictures. Agree ?? But physically and emotionally I just can't deny that eh :)

Happy Chinese New Year to all !! Hope you had a unusual usual Chinese New Year too.

1 comment:

Sigrun said...

Who's the sexy mama then? :) You sure carry it all in the baby - keep up the good diet and fitness.