I had another funny compliment from Dr. during our visit on Monday. "Wow..Beautiful, no stretch mark" he commented in front of dear. And baby already weights about 2.5Kg
Like other Mama, I don't escape from waking up uncountable times at night which irritate dear and myself. Sunny days has been extreme hot and even rainy nights is hot to me, can't sleep without air cond this few weeks. Starting to feel baby pressing down this week and that makes walking uncomfortable. I thought baby will have less space to move around as she grows bigger. Looks like I'm wrong, at times, I just need to stop and give way for her double.. triple.. somersault and extra hard kicks.
Dear and I are more relaxed at this pregnancy. Have not even packed my bag for the Hospital 'Vacation'. I have a bit of fear this round, somehow can still recall the painful moments when delivering Eden. Gosh... I do pray it will be faster and easier this round.
The other fear is the confinement period. Imagining a Survival camp... no shower... no washing hair... no fan... no cold drinks... no veg and fruits ... very long list if I continue. So I have Plan B, come home after 2 weeks since dear is likely going to work from home during that period.
2 weeks to full term. Yippee !!!
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