Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Break or Work at home ?

Semester break started but I have not feel the 'break'. Desserted the house cleaning for some time due to sickness and loads of replacement class for the public holidays.

A friend offered to have her maid over to help. Arrr.... but she won't be here until after New Year ... Sigh !!! So looks like dear will be seeing me with broom for at least some days.

There's some toching moments (sob.. sob..) the last week of tutorial class where they bid me goodbye with handshake and thank you. The surprise came in where some girls came and hug me and I really felt so touch and happy. At least I know its not just entering the class to provide answer but being there for them, guiding them - relationship was established over the last 3 months.

Some of them has introduced me to Frienster to keep contact. I told them I only know ICQ (that's famous during my teenage time but according to them its VERY outdated). Wish them well in the exam which starts tomorrow.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

hahahaa... "oh oh.., oh oh..." that's ICQ time probably in yours and my time. Nowadays, youngsters use msn, yahoo, windows, ..... messenger. It's so easy compare with ICQ..