Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Anti- wrinkle

Woke up this morning actually wondering whether I do looked older. Sigh .... as I spotted some extended eye lashes and how I wish I was standing in front of cracked mirror.

It must be the comment by a insensitive women that we met in a women's initiated forum on how to strengthen family bond few days ago. Dear happened to meet an ex- student there and this lady commented that dear looks 'too young' to be a Sir. Well, this is not a unusual statement that I OFTEN hear. I used to take it lightly and would even joke with dear on these comments. But this round she added by asking whether I am afraid as dear is always surrounded by young and pretty girls. Frankly, I was very.. veeeery... tempted to unveil her 'insensitivity' by asking whether her statement would also implied that I am 'too old and ugly' and should be afraid.

I wonder whether the aging, big belly me that is extraaaa sensitive... or she was just totally unkind with her words.

Oh God ... please send these people away and send your magic anti-wrinkle cream for my heart. And I think, I need a few bottles :)


Celebrated my birthday yesterday with dear and the boys at one of our favourite place. The boys were so excited and Eden was so eager to sing his familiar song. So we let him do a solo Birthday song when this heavenly Chocolate Molten birthday cake sat on the table .Gee.... I suddenly hear angel's voice and he was so.. so.. sweet. ( It was such a moment to be captured but arrh... and we forgot to bring the camera! )

Thank you boys and dear for such precious moments.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Boys .... they quarrel , they fight, they cry and they can be so loving too :)
I love this pics. Makes me smile :)

School Holidays

Definitely fun time for the boys !!!

Paella ???

I had this sudden urge to attempt this Spanish dish last Saturday. Maybe baby wanted Spanish dinner hahahha :) Run through the ingredient list and stopped at this thing called Saffron. Aiya !!! This is one of the key ingredient besides rice and olive oil and I don't have it :(

So this my Paella without Saffron Version (left pic). Not much different right ?? But I wonder how it would taste differently.

Monday, March 05, 2007

The Ears are back

Mickey's ear is finally back. I finally move all the cactus to a smaller pot. So far,no cat has lay any more pile of S*** on it. Well, unless they can S*** with such precision without touching the 'thorny' neighbour !!

Chinese New Year Special Treats

Adam's jaw nearly dropped seeing a 40 flavors box of jelly beans delivered by a 'special postman' weeks before Chinese New Year. But somehow 'cruel' mama have decided that it should be a CNY special treats and therefore no one should lay hands on it till New Year(that will include ALL male species at home)

At the same time, mama wondered why little Eden have not much response seeing the colouful box. Unusual for such goodies as he loves any sweet stuff.
Ah haa.... finally he's not cool and calm anymore when he finally saw it unwrapped and tasted it.

Papa and Mama is still busy trying the different flavor each day :)