Monday, March 05, 2007

Chinese New Year Special Treats

Adam's jaw nearly dropped seeing a 40 flavors box of jelly beans delivered by a 'special postman' weeks before Chinese New Year. But somehow 'cruel' mama have decided that it should be a CNY special treats and therefore no one should lay hands on it till New Year(that will include ALL male species at home)

At the same time, mama wondered why little Eden have not much response seeing the colouful box. Unusual for such goodies as he loves any sweet stuff.
Ah haa.... finally he's not cool and calm anymore when he finally saw it unwrapped and tasted it.

Papa and Mama is still busy trying the different flavor each day :)


Unknown said...

so who is eating the jalapeno flavour ?

Ahha said...

None of us actually (Lucky us)

Pop in, out of curiosity and took it out immediately... arrhhh baby don't like it!!!

Highly recommended it to Daddy then. Adam tried it and you should see his face. We took a photo but he didn't allow any posting. Eden immediately took his hand to close his mouth (smart eh ??)

We shall be cautious when taking green beans next time..

Unknown said...

remember Jack and the beanstalk haha