Saturday, February 23, 2008


Do you recall your first job ?? Mine was about 12 years ago. Apart from a good boss, these are the people that have make my days in the office filled with cheer and fun. Ms Woo (middle) who is a PA to a director is one of the first few that I got to know. I still remember her strange love at first sight story with a Moroccan boyfriend turned husband and she is happily married having a 11 years old boy (Hmm.....I think he is about 6 feet tall).  
Ms Lee married with 3 girls is a bubbly, cheerful accounting lady who one would live to hang out with. Lunch time is always our special highlight. Be it sharing home cook /packed lunch in the pantry or eating out with our faithful 'driver' Jeffrey.  
How I miss those days...  I think we would have stayed on together if our Co. survived the economic downturn in '97 that has badly affected the construction sector.                        
Hope to meet with the other few that could not make it this round when we meet again. 

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

This is the second year I almost forgotten Valentine's Day. Last week dear was hinting his gift (i-i thingy) as usual but I just did not realise its just few days away. In fact we were at the mall two days ago and I was wandering why there are extra flowers and chocolate stalls. 

Could it be Chinese New Year or its old age symptom.

Happy Valentine's Day :)  

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Healthy food

I had a good laugh reading SB's description of evil food. And coincidently I was watching a show this morning where Jamie Oliver the chef went to a school to change the unhealthy diet that the kids were having. When the kids were asked what they had for dinner a day before, they all had the 'evil' chips. Shocking to see how these kids spit out healthy food introduced and asking back for the unhealthy processed food make out of cheap meat,additives, fat and loads of salt.  And even shocking to see these kids are packed with chocolate bars, cola and chips in their lunch box.  

I'm not free from the same dilemma with my kids, just maybe not at such a bad stage as those British kids. Vegetables are their no. 1 enemy and they love to visit Uncle Ronald at his yellow and red resident. 

Thanks to Jamie, I was suddenly inspired to cook this for lunch, nothing fancy just some broccoli, onion & brinjals  hidding under some leftover chicken meat and tomato paste.  Add on spagethy and you have a happy boy eating his lunch. (Mommy is happier actually:) )

My Angel

I was all tie up with marking some exam scripts with a deadline right before New Year this round. Have no time even to finish off some basic spring cleaning on my list, needless to think of making/baking any new year goodies.  ( Adam has been asking why those Prawn crackers are still not fried till today)   

I am really glad that dear help up this year and he turned the kitchen sparkling clean and our hall in such ambience to welcome Chinese new year. 

Thank you my Angel :) 


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Boiling point

My mother in law relate to me once how she put her kids (that would include dear) in boxes and they would be happy to play for hours. Just out of curiousity I tested Erin. Look at her happy face when I put her in.  And just 2 minutes later :)