I think it was few weeks back that Adam told me to take away those extra supporting wheels on his 'bicycle'. (I thought this is a dad's job eh.. ) The only tools that we've got at home is a screw driver, hammer and a plyer. Hmm.... little Bob says its no good and cannot fix the job. We searched for spana in the cars and were dissappointed that one side was slightly bigger and just slightly smaller on the other side. WE CAN"T FIX IT !!!
Last week, after consulting my brother we found the solution. I told him that I needed size 13 spana as 12 and 14 can't do the job. Ha... he gave me a adjustable spana and now it surely fix in. Thanks bro !!
After this hurdle, what is next. Adam seems to think that I can transform to elastic girl to hold his bicycle while he ride on. "I am very scared to fall down" he said and in turn i gave him a long lecture on how people learn through falling down. I did not convince him though.... :)
We practiced for a few days and yesterday its a magical moment for him that he suddenly managed to balance himself on the two wheels. I can see that proud face and the joy in his eyes trying to show me again how he did it. Mom !!! I got it!! Mom Look at me !!! He yelled on top of his voice. Yes !! I am surely proud of you, my boy.
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