The boys had a tough 3 weeks down with high persistent fever started with Eden. At first I thought its the teeth eruption but soon found out that most of the gum area was swollen with lots of white spot. The fever stays on even after finishing first dose of antibiotic and the dr. then presribed another dose. Even with that we did not see him any better. We then decided to send him to hospital the next day but strange enough when I checked his mouth the next morning most of the swell and spots were gone.
2 days later, Adam complained having sore throat and teething pain. My very first reaction was " Not swell and white spot pleaseeeee". Very soon, they invaded his mouth and he stopped schooling since last Wednesday. Like Eden he is also on 2nd dose and I hope he is well enough for school tomorrow.
They are much better now but I see them left with skinny skeleton. Godnees, they already don't have much fat, now they are at deficit.
Odd enough, I am even happy to see them quarelling and fighthing over toys again.
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