Thursday, August 25, 2005

Beware .... I am on the road !


How I wish that KL road will always be as clear as the picture above. That will take out at lot of tension of what the Malaysian drivers are having...

Dear had drove me around at least 8 years and he says its time for me to bring him around now. Not only that... I am suppose to relieved him from driving the boys to school or grand's home so that he can in turn have his beauty sleep.

The only time that I was driving consistently was back in Sept 2000 when dear was in UK and I have to pick up driving. That also, I only dare to drive to and fro home to workplace. And now.... 5 year later I have to pick up again.. oh my ... how am I suppose to do it again. There's thosand and one thing I need to do ... control the steering, the cluth, the gear, see the side mirror, must not forget the rear mirror. Arrrh ... what about those nasty driver that would bang on you or horn you if you are driving too slow.

To my surprise, I pick it up easier this round. Maybe my FOC instructor's (my dear) pressure did some good to me. I can drive... actually I mean, I can drive to limited place only... so if you leave at the hill top or after a-round-about, you need to give me more time to get to your place..

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Would I turn bald??

I am losing hair badly recently, that I even have a habit brushing my hair next to the dustbin so that I can throw it directly. I think I must have kept God very busy to keep track of my hair records. I am sure i can make a wig out. Dear has asked me to cut it short as I have been having the same long hair for a few years. Not that I don't like short hair but it drives me nuts whenever its hot and I can't tie my hair up. On top of that I would need to go to the saloon much frequently.

Maybe I should just cut before turning bald.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Parenting Lessons

With Eden added to our family, WK and I sometimes cautioned one another not to show any favourtism. Which in my mind, I would think of being fair and equal so that the child will not feel their siblings are being loved more or less.

But I came across this contrasting statement which say "Play Favourites - Equally" Infact the writer says that it is impossible for parents to never play favourites. The only parents who can do it is those having only one child.
The writer acknowledge that some parent's and children's personality mesh and others clash. And these makes the unique relationship that parent have with different child.
Indeed every child is special... so play favourites equally. I am not sure how this can be done but I am sure we need lots of wisdom and sensitivity when dealing with these little one.

I relate a lot more with this statement - Fair does not means equal. He says children place immese importance on fairness which to them often means exactly the same. Parents can fall in the trap of fairness, counting the number of M&M, measure the size of a cake and buying everyone a present when one has a birthday. This is where parents can drive themselves crazy trying to keep everything equal. It is impossible to treat our child the same all the time. Not all children's need are the same.
If this is the case, what can we do? Don't stress yourself to give equal opportunities every day. Aim for a balance in a big picture, not equal.

The next time when I hear " Not fair" I think I am able to deal with it better and not feeling guilty about it.

In the next paragraph the writer says that parent should avoid comparing. I am thinking that maybe we can compare if our motives is not to determine who is better. I do think sometimes WK and I compare to note the differences in our boys.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Fun Time !!

Looks like Eden is joining WK and Adam to enjoy reading. So ... again I am the odd one. Well... at least I enjoy reading with them and for them.

Eden is a another precious gift that God had given to us. I always wonder how Adam would have be like if Eden is not given to us. Life must be much much more boring without little 'didi' (brother) around. But of couse Adam also want his personal space as little didi has been very attached to him and wanting to join in all the activities. We are glad they are getting along well generally. Infact one of Eden first few words is "ToTo' ( KoKo) meaning big brother.

Lord we thank you for these precious gifts and we surrender them to your hands. Give us the wisdom to bring them up in your way.

Our Da Vinci

Adam has been enjoying artwork all this while. He loves drawing, colouring and making his own mask and costume with papers.

This is an early collection of his drawing possible dated back in 2003

An early collection. Date unknown.

Drawing of his hero ... Fanstastic Four 4

Another Hero Family -The Incredibles

Another 'Family Potrait' Collection

What about Eden??? He is still practicing drawing his circle star and triangle now... Once is has master that, i will get him to draw his version of our family potrait. I hope he will draw nicer hair for me at least :)

Precious Gift of Joy

I have been spending lots of time with this little fella lately. He is going to be 20 months soon. Play time is definately more exciting and fun nowadays... Hehehe ... caused mommy is around of course.

He has catch up a lot of vocab lately... and we all having lots of fun communicating with him...
Mommy : Eden, would you like some raisin??
Eden : (turn his head left and right indicating no)
Mommy : ???? Confuse (but he is a raisin addict) and puts raisin back to the cupboard.
Eden : Arrr ... arrrr .... (shaking his head furiously)
Mommy : You mean you want raisin is it ??? Then you say 'Yes' ( and show him how to nod his head.)

Finally he did a 90 degree Japanese bow with his version of 'Yes'

I like this this photo very much... He was underweight when we brought him to his usual check up right after we got back from UK. Must be missing us too much plus the fever that he was having while we were away. So.... there has been a natural mother's desire to fatten him ever since. I am proud and happy that he is back at the curve ( at the lower end) now. Don't you think he looks chubby and cute???

Yummy Yum

Look !! Look mom..... I can eat by myself.. . I can do it with my eyes closed too. Isn't that Amazing ??