Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Precious Gift of Joy

I have been spending lots of time with this little fella lately. He is going to be 20 months soon. Play time is definately more exciting and fun nowadays... Hehehe ... caused mommy is around of course.

He has catch up a lot of vocab lately... and we all having lots of fun communicating with him...
Mommy : Eden, would you like some raisin??
Eden : (turn his head left and right indicating no)
Mommy : ???? Confuse (but he is a raisin addict) and puts raisin back to the cupboard.
Eden : Arrr ... arrrr .... (shaking his head furiously)
Mommy : You mean you want raisin is it ??? Then you say 'Yes' ( and show him how to nod his head.)

Finally he did a 90 degree Japanese bow with his version of 'Yes'

I like this this photo very much... He was underweight when we brought him to his usual check up right after we got back from UK. Must be missing us too much plus the fever that he was having while we were away. So.... there has been a natural mother's desire to fatten him ever since. I am proud and happy that he is back at the curve ( at the lower end) now. Don't you think he looks chubby and cute???

1 comment:

Lepak said...

so cute!!.... thank goodness you're not my mom.... Dun think I need anymore fattening! nghahaah