Monday, December 11, 2006

Stretch Mark Cream

I knew I should apply it much earlier ....mother in law says its too late oledi. Ha .... finally the strong urge came yersterday. Why ??? Because I accidently saw a friend's strecth mark while she bend over to carry her child. OMG ..... I don't want those horrible tattoo on me !!!! I still want to wear Bikini .... as i was jokingly telling a friend some time ago :)

Strech Mark Go away...
Never came back another day ...

Sunday, December 10, 2006

Do Re Mi .....

I was with Adam for his music class as usual last Saturday. One of the kids mom approached me asking whether Adam had started any extra private lesson. We chat a bit and i figure out that she has been asking other parents the same question. Apparently she is worry that her son will be left behind if other kids are going extra lesson.

I told her I will only consider it when I can't cope with the lesson.Been proud of myself so far being able to teach Adam at home. Having no music background I still have lots of difficulties even with the basic 'taugeh' (note) reading, what more with other more complicated stuff.

'Kiasu' that our child is not good enough compare with others. I must confess that I am not entire free from this mentality. Sometimes we label it as wanting the best for our children. Focus on what we want and forget to see what our child need.

Friday, December 01, 2006


I am glad the boys are excited to have another sibling. Its heart melting to see them kissing baby goodnight or sometimes they will just lie down and press their ear on my tummy to hear what the little one is doing inside. Eden is truly imaginative - last week he wanted to see baby and he seriously think he can look in through my navel :) After trying very hard he told me that its too dark to see.

We brought the boys to 'see' baby last Monday. It was a interesting and exciting time to see God's wonderful creation in my very own womb. We saw something very different this round - little one is sucking thumb, yawning, and did lots of hands and legs exercise just within that few minutes of scan. (Eden and Adam was sleeping most of the scan)

Of course anxious daddy asked Dr. the important question after knowing that baby is developing well. So Dr. seach and look..... and look.... and look again. Yet its still too early to tell with more certainty and asked us not to annouce it to the world yet.

Daddy is extremely excited for next visit....

Friday, November 24, 2006

Papa on Survivor Camp

Wonder how dear is going to survive through the next few days in this forest as he's a typical city boy. Of course he pack along his favourites -chocolate, books and the must have Ipod. Naturally, I gave him a disapproved look when I saw him packing a 3 inch mini torchligh. Gee... what is he thinking! How far can he see with such mini torch. The pictures looks lovely but it may be a different feel altogether when you are there :)

I also start to wonder whether its virus attack or we are just missing papa. Not in good shape when he was in London and same now :(

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Staying in

After a week of much struggle, talk, rationale, against all cries, walking in and out the rooms. Eden finally got the message that Mommy will not change her mind.

I am glad to see happy faces for bedtime now :) I hope they will not marked it a Forbidden Zone for me soon.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Moving Out

Looks like mama is growing bigger and needs more space on bed. We have been thinking of a bunk bed for the boys but finally decided on this bed with a trundler which arrived today. Eden is excited to see McQueen and Tow Mater -a positive sign for a start :)

So... it will be a Big day tonight, getting the boys to sleep together.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The story continues...

Adam and I finally reached the 5th Book, Voyage of the Dawn Treader. He has been pestering me to continue but mama has been too tired lately for story before bedtime. Last week we finally pick up the book again and are keeping our finger crossed for another great story just as we had enjoyed the previous books.

Monday, November 06, 2006

12 weeks

What PREGNANT?? Its quite impossible !!! Are you sure that this pregnancy kit is accurate ?? Sometimes it doesn't work properly right?? This was some of our reaction when dr. told us the test was positive.

Its 99% accurate, the dr. replied. Hearing this, we both hold on the the 1% hope and got in the car and had some silent moment to comprehend the situation.

We have always been telling friends and relatives that we have "tutup kedai" (closed factory) but dear and I (and sometimes with some close friends) sometimes joke about having another girl. I think God must have heard us wrongly and take it for real and granted our wishes.

Two weeks later we went for a scan and dr. added two zero to our 1% hope making it a complete 100%.

A Surprise gift indeed but we want to accept it with joy and a thankful heart.

I do hope God think i am out-numbered by the boys and send me a extra member this round :)

Yes! I am already one third of the way.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Go away!! Bad Virus

Eden was down with high fever, nausea and severe headache just last week when dear was away. Frankly I am quite helpless as the poor boy still complains of headache even after medication. I am definitely amazed how God had help me pull through the days.

Adam fall sick shortly with the same symptom and also woke up in the morning crying for having severe headache.

Now I understand the pain that the boys gone through hearing dear describing it. It was so bad that I have to drive him to clinic 4+am this morning. We did a daring thing to leave the boys alone at home. I did woke Adam up and told him briefly (I wonder how much he heard as he just nod and went back to sleep) that we will be back very soon and ask him to take care of Eden if he wakes up. My motherly instinct was right, that little boy did wake up, walk to our room and then when back to wake Adam up. (Thank God I on most of the light before we leave). I drove our old car and when we want to get home ...aha the engine won't start ) My heart was beating fast wondering how to get back to the boys ASAP.

When we make it home, and going upstairs I heard the boys talking on our bed. Again I am just amazed.

Tonight, its just dear and me at home. The boys are with Grandma & pa.

Lord... thank you for your grace and let your healing hand be upon your childrens.

Oh yes ... and thank God for rainbow bag too. It did help a lot to relieve dear's muscle pain.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Back to Work

Back for classes today and the first week is very important to me usually. I figure out that if I get a good impression of the students on the first class normally it will last until the end of the semester. What happens if I 'lecture' them from the first day? Likely they will 'kena' the subsequent classes also lah...

Knowing that I am not alone, I must try to make sure I am at a Joyful mood so it will not affect my companion :) This round I really pray for God's strength to go through this semester as I have committed to some extra hours not knowing that something is cooking in the oven.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Where's dad ... mom ???

Eden woke up this morning asking for his dad and subsequently complained why daddy has to take so long to finish his business. Adam has been looking at the calender and making his own count down too.

This has been a very last minute thing for dear. Everything was only firmed up on Thursday and he needs to fly off on Friday. Thank God we mananged to borrow a very sexy and professional looking luggage bag from a friend. And he has got a 'surprise' at the airport when being told that the KLM flight was cancelled. Praise God again that he was then asked to board on MAS which fly direct to London. (I am just not sure whether this is a normal arrangement but it sure means less air sick time for dear).

We miss you Daddy !

Mr. Apple Junior

These are specially hand picked apples by Adam for his friends in Sunday School.

Celebrating it with a group of friends are always more exciting

A Big Thank you for all the teachers too.

Mom .... shall I eat it or preserve it ?????

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

The Beach Boys !!

They may look old hey but they are definitely young at heart. They are amateur singer but they sang with all their might.(No wonder they scored better than the girls)They are IT Specialist, Engineer, Teacher and they are also a loving daddy and husband. They may look serious most of the time but they can also make you laugh.

7 Wonder Years ...

...and many years more to come filled with God's blessing of joy peace and love.


Sunday, October 08, 2006

Dear's Birthday Wish

This is dear's dream Birthday Gift expected from me. Don't you think he has got high taste ( the price is a killer too)

I have to confess that I have not brought dear any Birthday presents for the past 3 years I think. I reason is I have run out of idea what to get and it seems to me that he has got everything that he needs :)

So this year is no exception, the hints to his birthday wish gets strongers as his Big day approches and I suppose I was 'framed' into this Apple conversation with him and another Apple fan just today. Lots of jargon which I did not understand there but I got the Punch line - 'GOOOOOOD STUFF, MUST GET'

Well, tomorrow is the BIG day. Have to think of an amazing surprise to make it up :)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

My Precious

Dear has been commenting on my new passion lately. And I had to do justice by posting these nicer shots (taken by me of course)

Music Test

"Good Morning everyone. My name is Adam. Today I would like to sing Grandfather's Clock and play I'm a Little Teapot and Good Morning. Hope you'll enjoy it. Thank you :) "

There was this Music Test last Sunday to wrapped up the course that Adam and I had been going. Of couse, Adam was anxious (but I think he look cool and steady) about having to sing and play his selection in front of his friends and examiners.

There he is...all dressed up. Normally he will not agree to wear long sleeves but I am surprise that he even agree to put on a tie that morning. (Like father like son eh!)

We are proud of him and glad to see him enjoying music.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

New Addition to the Tew.....

The boys call this little cousin brother 'Hin Jai' (Little Hin)who is one month old today. WK's relatives has been asking when is the '3rd one' coming for us ever since he is born. And there has been all sort of funny ideas and conversation on how to get a baby girl.

Adam did mentioned that he wants a Mei Mei (little sister). What about Eden?? THis is the conversation that we had.

Mom : Xhuen, do you want a mei-mei ??
Eden : No. I want Meat Meat.
Mom : ......... ???

(Maybe I should not ask him nearing meal time)

Guess Who I am ??

The boys transform themselves into different chracters and its hard to keep track of them sometimes :)

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Revised Quote

See No Evil

Hear No Evil

Do No Evil


The little Explorers !!

This place has never change. I(I think many others too)took a photo at this same spot more than ten years ago)

This is Eden's first visit to the zoo and also his first time seeing some real animal face to face. Till today he still talks about those animal there. I suppose he never imagine the girraffe to be so tall, hippo to be so fat and camel to be so smelly :)


Remember I blog about the whole 'kampung' came out to witness the capture of the giant monitor lizard?

Well, almost the same people gathered again this round for papaya plucking. There was a great deal of discussion on how to get those juicy fruits down without dropping it on the ground. One tried to climb up but fail. The other drove his lorry next the the tree and try to reached. And at last THE HERO came with a a fishing net and tie it to a long rod and accomplished the mission.

What's next?? Papaya Feast of course :) Adam represented the Tew on that day.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Panda eyes.

The past few weeks has been very hectic for us. Dear has been really busy recently and I have to take on some of of his task. So I ended up in the car with the kids and that can be a major caused of stress, frustration. My motto is simple. Avoid peak hours. But sometimes its just not possible. No wonder I spotted some white hair and more wrinkles.
My mother in law was asking me to try on those eye bag treatment she saw on TV. Ha!! She said I should put on the boys too. Goodness.... then I realised that the boys had the Panda bear eyes too.

I definitely have doubts that it could un-Panda us.

Friday, July 14, 2006

Don't blink your eyes.

You can get a nice teeth like me if you use Kodomo Lion !!!

I took this photo right after he woke up. Look at him, he was soo thrilled being able to fit in Adam's old Pyjama. Hey... big boy oledi leh !!

Catch of the day !!

Adam took this as mommy was not brave enough to go near to take a nice shot. The photo may look like a little lizard in a basket. But believe me, its huge and scary.

It was actually caught by one of the neighbour. Big commotion, man !!! The whole "kampung' both young and old came out to see. Some was discussing what chinese herbal will go with it other was thinking whether the skin will make good wallet. Geee .... No way, that is going into my pot and will definitely not use it to 'wrapped' my money.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Half Fixed

Our modem was gone after a heavy rain with lightning and thunder last Friday. I came home wondering why the power were cut off and then can't get hook online. This round I refrain from fixing it. The last time I took out the connections and then it seems impossible to put those zillion of wire under the table back together right.

Dear came back and after a long time of trying and of course a long conversation with the Streamyx staff, he concluded that the modem is faulty. I thought fixing a new one would be as easy as connecting a few wire to the computer. Sadly is was not the case, the job require more than just connecting those wires ....

Dear ended up spending the whole afternoon in the room, talking to some people on phone trobleshooting. Not only that, I also heard him talking to himself many times.
Thank goodness that it is finally half fixed. At least the PC is working now. And looks like we need to find some cheap monitor to replace this current one that my brother bought for me 10 years + ago. The screen will turn all black and have to bang on it a bit to get the screen back. Its quite frustrating :(

What not fixed yet ??? The connection is only working for the PC and not dear's precious apple. Oopps .. What is the problem ?? No. 1 The router is spoiled too. No.2 THE APPLE ??. Arrrr !!!! Apple stuff is sooooo $$$$$$$ !!! I wonder whether dear start to regret. Now he has to wait till next month to get it fix.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

adam is so happpy

Why is adam opening his mouth so big?

Answer -because he is very happy...

P/s - First blog by Adam Tew Zhern E

Play time

The boys are addicted with their bicycle session now. Always looking forward for evening time to ride their bicycle and play with the neighbour's children outside the house.

Adam always play with a boy but did not know his name. So... he always call him " Peng Yow" which means friend. Recently he told me that his name is "Chang Ying" which means fly. I am sure he heard him wrongly :)

Trip to Aquaria

The place wasn't really spectacular but its amazing to see some of the rare marine and creepy crawlies with our own eyes. If you were there, you may wonder why a big girl is hiding behind a excited boy busy searching the creepy crawlies. What to do, I never like them near or far.