Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Reunion - College mates

These 2 photos have 13 years gap. We agrees to have at least one re union trip every year after college. I think we only make it the first two years. Well, we still try to meet at least once a year just for a simple lunch or dinner. This round it was just before Christmas for lunch. We just could not stopped, so much to share, so much laughter at the table that finally our bills was brought to us without us asking for it.

Looking forward to meet up again.


Eden's in Daddy's clothes and accessories, all ready for his role as a wise man in the Nativity Play. Its my prayer that he grow to be a wise man of God.

Friday, December 26, 2008

5th year

We celebrated it on Christmas this round and had him blow the cake very early on his birthday as I was leaving for a trip to Melacca with 3 primary friends.

Erin was so excited and sang the birthday song (her revised version of course) together with us.


Sunday, December 07, 2008

Chibi Maruko Chan

Adam's first concert performance playing a theme song of a Japanese cartoon.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Mid Autumn

Erin join in the fun with Adam and Eden. This year we had a handmade lantern for little angel.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Teacher's Day

Wow!! Time pass by so quickly. Still remember how little Eden was crying so loudly at his first day at school. I thought I will have a hard time dropping him off the second day but for all you know he gave me a big happy smile when i pick him back the same day.

And today he is celebrating his first Teacher's Day. He picked the colors for his teachers and even tried to recognise their name on the tag. "What if I give wrongly" he asked me when we were on the way to kinder this morning. "No worry, boy I am sure teacher will love the flowers you bring for them.

Happy Teacher's Day - Teacher Siti, Teacher Rebecca, Teacher Sakina, Teacher Cheng, Teacher Kavita and his favourite Teacher Tee .

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Ronald Mc Donald

I am sure most of us grow up knowing this red hair guy with a big yellow shoe. We met him for the first time (wow ... for me its after 30++ years leh!!) few weeks ago.

I was quite entertained by the way he spoke to the children. Maybe he is specially imported from US, cause he can't speak Bahasa.
But since the audience was 80% Malay, he tried very hard. So "Jalan perlahan -lahan" (walk slowly) turns out to be "Jan pe..lan pe..lan"

I am impressed. The kid in me had fun too :)

More Plants

Adam and I stopped by at the plant nursery last Saturday and we (maybe its just me hehehehhe ) just can't resist getting these home. Shall I stop by again this Saturday, just to get some fertiliser perhaps ?


Erin the Explorer, has invaded my kicthen territory. She basically ransack all the kitchen cabinet turning things inside out.
She loves the sound effect of spoon on container or cups. And she loves to play pretend eating. What can I say. She is an authentic Malaysian who loves eating :)

Bonsai experiment

I got this 'All in One' pack at Mid Valley. The process of planting it from seeds and watching it grows excites me.
Adam shares the excitement with me and we planted the seeds in 5 pots (one for each member) and waited patienly for about 2 weeks till finally our 'beauty' appeared. Started with Eden's then Adam's and Erin's. The sad part is nothing come forth from mom and dad's pot. (Adam put different sticker to keep track :)

Will ours look like this in years to come ??

Friday, April 11, 2008

Growing Dinos

I am glad to see them so attached with one another. They enjoyed each other's companion, good playmate most of the time. Recently Eden will climb on Adam's bed and they will talked till they fall asleep on that tiny bed. Sometimes Adam will wake up and put on a blanket for Eden. These are nothing but precious moments that we should treasure.

Art gallery

Xhuen.... Did you draw this?? Its very nice :) He then took his drawing stare at it for a while and asked " Why do you like it?"
Well, because you drew it and its very nice, I told him.

Artist Profile
Name: E Xhuen
Age : 4 years 4 months

Gold Scepter

Can you imagine dear's face when little Erin lie down on his chest?

Probably it will be like the scene in Ester,
"he was pleased with her and held out to her the gold scepter that was in his hand"

Hmmm.... second though, 'Koko' and I will do the same too. You are truly our joy and we all love you especially Papa.

Puppet Boy

What is this Xhuen Koko???

Oh.... See this is your new friend 'Super Socks'
Look... they can talk one ah.... :)


Okay ..... okay ..... I am not there yet. But being unwell for weeks I have shed off 4 pounds.

The other more important thing that dawn on me is the important of staying healthy actually. Simple task turns out a challenge when you are sick so forget about those difficult ones.

So stay healthy - eat & drink well, remember sabbath day, appreciate yourself and others. Thank God for every new day and that He is the one who give restoration and renewal of our lives.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Our sunshine !!!

I suddenly realised that we all fall sick whenever dear travels abroad. Either it just happen coincidentally or our batteries are depleted as our our solar energy is gone. 

Started with Erin & Eden and Mama was then running on a low battery on the 3rd night having to care for Erin who is so restless at night and wake up at dawn to send boy to school and then to college for my class which starts 8am. 

Mother in law was so kind to take over on 3rd night shift to take care of Erin.  Oh boy......I slept like a dead corpse. Did not even hear Erin's cry (who is just next to me) until 4am when mom says her hands was shivering.            

Talking for hours in my classes makes my throat sore and I am losing my voice. And dear who called back kept asking about his Angel and FAIL to hear my 'SEXY' voice over the phone. How heartless and insensitive man can be at times. 

Erin is much better today. At least the fever is gone and she is more happy to play. What about mama?? Papa will 'know' when he comes back....

Saturday, February 23, 2008


Do you recall your first job ?? Mine was about 12 years ago. Apart from a good boss, these are the people that have make my days in the office filled with cheer and fun. Ms Woo (middle) who is a PA to a director is one of the first few that I got to know. I still remember her strange love at first sight story with a Moroccan boyfriend turned husband and she is happily married having a 11 years old boy (Hmm.....I think he is about 6 feet tall).  
Ms Lee married with 3 girls is a bubbly, cheerful accounting lady who one would live to hang out with. Lunch time is always our special highlight. Be it sharing home cook /packed lunch in the pantry or eating out with our faithful 'driver' Jeffrey.  
How I miss those days...  I think we would have stayed on together if our Co. survived the economic downturn in '97 that has badly affected the construction sector.                        
Hope to meet with the other few that could not make it this round when we meet again. 

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day

This is the second year I almost forgotten Valentine's Day. Last week dear was hinting his gift (i-i thingy) as usual but I just did not realise its just few days away. In fact we were at the mall two days ago and I was wandering why there are extra flowers and chocolate stalls. 

Could it be Chinese New Year or its old age symptom.

Happy Valentine's Day :)  

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Healthy food

I had a good laugh reading SB's description of evil food. And coincidently I was watching a show this morning where Jamie Oliver the chef went to a school to change the unhealthy diet that the kids were having. When the kids were asked what they had for dinner a day before, they all had the 'evil' chips. Shocking to see how these kids spit out healthy food introduced and asking back for the unhealthy processed food make out of cheap meat,additives, fat and loads of salt.  And even shocking to see these kids are packed with chocolate bars, cola and chips in their lunch box.  

I'm not free from the same dilemma with my kids, just maybe not at such a bad stage as those British kids. Vegetables are their no. 1 enemy and they love to visit Uncle Ronald at his yellow and red resident. 

Thanks to Jamie, I was suddenly inspired to cook this for lunch, nothing fancy just some broccoli, onion & brinjals  hidding under some leftover chicken meat and tomato paste.  Add on spagethy and you have a happy boy eating his lunch. (Mommy is happier actually:) )

My Angel

I was all tie up with marking some exam scripts with a deadline right before New Year this round. Have no time even to finish off some basic spring cleaning on my list, needless to think of making/baking any new year goodies.  ( Adam has been asking why those Prawn crackers are still not fried till today)   

I am really glad that dear help up this year and he turned the kitchen sparkling clean and our hall in such ambience to welcome Chinese new year. 

Thank you my Angel :) 


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Boiling point

My mother in law relate to me once how she put her kids (that would include dear) in boxes and they would be happy to play for hours. Just out of curiousity I tested Erin. Look at her happy face when I put her in.  And just 2 minutes later :) 

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Eden's First Day

Happy and excited getting ready for school

P/s : Godpa and Godma, I have so many admirer, all admiring at my bag :)

I am glad he is still happy when I pick him up few hours later